
Phi Love, Forever

Alpha Pi Phi Alum Membership

For Alum, Alpha Pi Phi is not just four years - it’s for life. The bonds our members make during their time as an active member carry well past graduation, and into professional development and beyond. Alum members remain highly engaged with Alpha Pi Phi, leading our organization on our International Council and acting as Chapter Advisors. 

Alum Donation Program

Gifts to Alpha Pi Phi make our membership experience flourish. Esteemed Alum contribute to the Sisterhood in various ways, from funding awards on the International level, funding scholarships on the Chapter level, and supporting our philanthropic endeavors.

We welcome gifts of any size at any time!

Review the Program here

Get Involved

International Leadership

Phi Passion

After graduation, many of our members maintain a passion for leadership and growth within our organization. Alpha Pi Phi offers leadership opportunities for alum members including ICAPP Councilor, Chair, and Committee roles, and Chapter Advisors.

Councilors and Chair positions require a cover letter and resume application. Committees are open-access, meaning members can become involved at any time throughout the year to assist with specific passion projects on a flexible timeline. 

Lead Alpha Pi Phi

Lineage Revival Program

Mentor A Little

Alpha Pi Phi is proud to announce that as of September 2022, we are introducing the Lineage Revival Program. This program aims to reinvigorate our chapters with dormant family lines, while offering an opportunity to Alum members to mentor a Little Sister.

If you are interested in participating in this new program, connect with your chapter’s Membership Development Officer (MDO) today.

Alum Chapters

Alpha Pi Phi's lifelong bond of sisterhood continues well after graduation. Joining an Alum chapter offers members the space to connect with those from other chapters, network professionally, gather socially, and further their passion for philanthropy. 

Alum members who live in close proximity to one another are able to start an alum chapter with at least 7 members. For more information, please email your International VP of Alum Relations at [email protected].

Join an Alum Chapter
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